TSS Student with their host family in India next to a cultural monument
September 5, 2024

Andy’s Extraordinary Journey: The 2024 AFS Global STEM Academy in India

We are thrilled to share that Andy has recently returned from an extraordinary four-week expedition for the 2024 AFS Global STEM Academy in India.

The AFS Global STEM Academies are full-scholarship intercultural exchange programs for teens aged 15–17 who are interested in Sustainability, STEM and social impact.  

Chosen from a competitive pool of 6,000 applicants worldwide, Andy was one of just 150 students selected for this prestigious program—and the only representative from Australia.

Journey to India: Andy’s Memorable Experiences and Cultural Immersion

Andy’s adventure began with a solo flight and a seven-hour stopover in Singapore before he arrived in Mumbai. There, he was warmly welcomed by the AFS group of teachers and students. After exploring Mumbai and spending the night, Andy travelled to Indore, where he was greeted by his host family. This wonderful family took Andy under their wing, introducing him to their beautiful culture, and making him feel at home.

"The best part of the experience was the people I met," said Andy. "My host family were such kind, loving people. I met people from India and across the world, and everyone was so kind, welcoming, and passionate about making change. The average citizen is really focused on and dedicated to making their society and people’s lives better.”

The warm welcome from Andy's host family.

Exploring STEM and Sustainability: Highlights from Andy’s Educational Adventure

During his time in India, Andy immersed himself in the core themes of the AFS Global STEM Academy: STEM and sustainability. His experiences included:

Real-Life Case Studies: Andy attended the International School in Indore where he explored practical case studies on renewable energy and sustainability, gaining valuable insights into India's innovative transition toward greener energy solutions.

Collaborative Projects: Andy got to work alongside peers from 11 other countries including Japan, Azerbaijan, USA and Malaysia on various STEM-related projects. He developed a social impact project and contributed to a capstone project which was validated and certified by AFS and the University of Pennsylvania Centre for Social Impact Strategy.

Educational Excursions: Andy also participated in numerous educational excursions, further deepening his understanding of STEM and sustainability practices. He noted the innovative methods employed despite limited resources and expressed admiration for India's determination to embrace sustainable practices.

“The school was amazing and had so many facilities," he said. "We delved into robotics, computing, 3D printing, and even had the chance to make drones.”

"We would go on excursions nearly every day. One of the most fascinating visits was to a waste management plant in Indore that transforms wet waste, such as nappies and food, into biofuel, powering all the public transport and some tuk-tuks. I was so surprised to see vehicles on the road with ‘non-polluting’ stickers. It was amazing to see such progressive approaches to sustainability."

Reflections: Andy’s Impactful Four Weeks and What’s Next

Returning from such an impactful experience, Andy is reflecting on his journey with enthusiasm and gratitude. His time in India has left a lasting impression, enriching his perspective on global sustainability efforts and intercultural understanding.

Celebrating the Rakhi festival with his host family, dressed in traditional Indian attire.

“The Rahki festival was a really heartwarming ceremony. The sisters tie a bracelet to the brothers, which has a special meaning, and I really felt a like part of the family when they were tying it to me.”

Andy’s experience at the AFS Global STEM Academy not only broadened his knowledge but also reinforced his passion for helping people and making a positive impact. As he looks forward to pursuing studies in nursing with the Health Science Hub in Year 12 next year, he is excited to apply the lessons learned from this program to his future endeavours.

The Importance of Passion-Driven Learning

Andy expressed his gratitude towards The Studio School, noting that he couldn't have achieved this without the support of his teachers and peers.  

“Everyone at The Studio School has been so understanding, supportive and helpful and shown a real interest in my learning.”  

He also highlighted the role of pursuing passions in motivating and focusing his efforts.

“Working on something I am passionate about helps me feel more motivated and gives me a sense of purpose,” he said.  

“I have signed up to be an AFS Mentor for students doing it next year to support them and help any who are struggling. I was also very happy when AFS said that if I ever want to participate in any of their programs in other countries they work in, they will get me in straight away.”

We are incredibly proud of Andy’s achievements and look forward to seeing how he applies the knowledge and skills he gained during his time in India to future endeavours.

To read more about the lead-up to Andy’s trip, visit the article The Studio School Student Selected for 2024 AFS Global STEM Academy Scholarship.

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